Boston Newborn Care and Nannies
Over 20 years of experience providing Newborn Care and Nanny Services
Having a baby is like no other experience - there are no instruction booklets.
Start your journey off right with Boston Newborn Care and Nannies as your trusted partner so you can enjoy all the miraculous moments. With decades of experience we can help you with every step and with every stage.
We have helped hundreds of families and nannies form successful and long-lasting relationships. We understand the great importance and long-term benefits of quality, in-home child care. Our mission is to place professional, qualified, and loving nannies with loving families. We work hard to make each placement a success and has built a strong reputation of offering each client outstanding service and personal attention.

What Makes Us Special

Experienced, Professional Caregivers Servicing Boston and Surrounding Suburbs
Flexible support options
Available 7 days a week
Overnight baby care services
Sleep training
Lactation Services
Postpartum Doulas
Parent and Grandparent Education
Recruits only the industry’s top nannies
Pregnancy consultations
Accompaniment to doctors' appointments
Over 20 years in business
Full time, Part time options
24 hour live ins available
Since 1998 we have been counseling families on the nanny/parent relationship to support a successful child care opportunity. When you work with us, you’ll receive unlimited support, troubleshooting and problem solving that helps maintain a strong bond with a nanny and your family.

Boston Newborn Care and Nannies
300 2nd Ave. #3189 Needham Ma 02494
Phone 617 299 0374
Email: Leeann@Bostonnewborncare.com